August 22, 2012

Wind Mobile - Still Waiting For a Resolution.

Please read this post, followed by this post first.

The last time I spoke to them, on August 17th, they told me that in 3-5 days, ALL my issues would be resolved.

Sure one is to expect "business days" but since THEY do business on weekends, that means that by today, I should have a resolution.

I should be able to look at my account and see the changes to the amount I still owe.

I get that the total Outstanding would not necessarily be $0.00 as there may have been some miscalculations on my part BUT it should be a lot lower than $41.00.  This includes MY payment of $26.00.

Note that the Point of Sales Manager NEVER sent me an email about the credit.  Nothing, Nada, Ziltch.

See a pattern here?

Looks like I was lied to again folks.  An here I keep giving them the benefit of the doubt.

This means of course that I have to call then AGAIN!

Stay Tuned!
August 27, 2012.

5 weeks from when I first transferred to Wind Mobile (July 21, 2012)

I check online for my balance owed.

The good, my balance went down by $20.00

The bad, my balance went down by ONLY $20.00

I can only assume they have decided to charge me for that "week of usage" and taxes.

I call Wind today to find out what's going on.  It's been after all 10 days since they told me all would be resolved.  Take 4 days of weekends and it's still more than 5 days.  I waited a few extra days to give them a fighting chance before calling them.

I spoke to Anna.  ( I am now taking note of the names). 

I ask Anna what is going on.  She tells my case is escalated but there is still no resolution.  She didn't tell me about the $20.00.

She gave me a case #   C-10301605 and said she sent an email to escalation to get an update.

Of course no one will bother calling me.  I know the routine by now.  My son was to get a cell for his birthday.  We won't be going with Wind.  Quite a few of my Facebook friends and their friends will not be going with Wind either, no matter how interesting their advertised prices are.

My home computer has since died, making it more difficult to update my file.  Dealing with Wind has been trying and exhausting to the extreme.

Stay tuned. some more...

October 5, 2012

Just checked my wind account today.  Still waiting for a resolution.  On September 16, I spoke with a Wind Representative and they told me all was resolved and I had all my credits.  Looking at my account, the credits have yet to be applied.

Yet, they send me texts on a regular basis "nagging me" to pay my "outstanding amount".

Can you see the irony???

They nag me for an amount they OWE me....

This company is run by a bunch of ignorant teenagers...

October 9, 2012

I called Wind to find out why my credit has not been applied.

The first call, after waiting 20 minutes to reach a representative, I get an obviously uninterested woman (girl?).  She informed me that I did not qualify for the credit as I didn't port my number over...

I flipped... are there not notes on my file?  I asked to speak to her supervisor....  she is obnoxious and put me on hold, for 10 minutes and then I am flushed....

So I call again.  This time I get an agent right away, is name is Sebastian,  (She mumbled her name, I asked to repeat twice and I still could not get her name)  I asked about my credit.  He puts me on hold, reads the notes comes back and says he sees the escalations but obviously the wrong resolution was reached as they denied my request...

He offered to send it back up to escalation with more details...  He felt that I should have my credit....  Thanks Sebastian for agreeing with me, now if only I could actually get to speak to these "escalation people".  I have asked and never succeeded.  They are supposed to call but never call.  Just like they never respond to their texts...

So I am still waiting for an acceptable resolution...

October 15, 2012

I got a text...

Hey! Your account is still overdue. We need full payment within 48hrs to avoid full suspension of your service. Give us a shout to keep our relationship alive

I guess my account will be suspended in 48 hrs...

Worst company EVER!

October 15, 2012

After contacting the media in regards to my problems with Wind mobile, I went on Twitter to give them fair warning.

After all the same bullshit was said, I think we reached an A-ha moment.  The Temp # has not been considered in my recent exchanges with them.  (it definitely was in older exchanges though)

Another wait and see.

Also I found out today that Telus is charging me $120 for exiting my contract 10 days early.  10 days that I PAID!

Did they really have to be this punitive?  I figure being with WIND was punitive enough....

To follow.... an-update-on-wind-mobile


  1. any update on your wind issue . im dealing with my own saga now no coverage where i live but the escalation tickets keep coming with no resolution in sight

  2. Hello, thanks for writing. I did write an update post where I was dealing with escalation. After telling me twice that they had given me my credit, both times were blatant lies to shut me up as I still do not have the credit. Also they are such big advertisers that I can't get my story published.

    I will be going with another company once I qualify for my unlock code. Why waste a good phone? (I may not be able to use it on the new network but I figured it's worth trying)


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